The Jubilee Celebrations at Goldhanger in June 2022

The celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th Jubilee were planned and executed with much enthusiasm.

Thirty four events took place over the four days of festivities...

select to enlarge

Two booklets were produced in advance which helped to raise funds for the celebrations...

images of previous Jubilee events

from the archives

select to view inside the booklet

the events programme

(the summary is given above)

the local commercial sponsors were...

several local families also sponsored events

a record of the activities has been created with 130 photographs taken by residents at 15 of the events...

select to view all of the photos


two videos from the events are here...

on the seawall with the Jubilee Choir

and the beacon

the welcoming to the Killy’s Garden Party

at Padmalayam


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