Peter Padfield


The marine and military historian, and well known biographer Peter Padfield lived in Fish Street, Goldhanger in the 1960s while writing two of his earliest books The Titanic and the Californian and An Agony of Collisions. He later moved to Woodbridge in Suffolk where he wrote most of his works, publishing well over thirty works.

Peter sadly passed away on the 14th of March 2022.

Full biographical details of Peter and a resume of all his books can be found at...


Here is a selection of book covers and jackets from Peter`s earlier works...

Peter was also an accomplished artist, and his sketch of the cottages in Fish Street close to where he lived was included in the Goldhanger Millennium Calendar produced in 1999...

Copies of some of Peter`s other local sketches are also held in the Goldhanger archives...



Many more of Peter`s fantastic sketches can be seen at. . .

Peter’s last book published in Sept 2019 recalls his experiences on board Mayflower-II during the 1957 epic voyage.

It was shortly after that voyage that Peter moved to Goldhanger.

Obituaries for Peter can be seen at...

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