Virtual Library

A catalogue of over 100 items of literature by or about past and present residents of Goldhanger,

together with published and unpublished material about the village and nearby.

Items held in the village filing cabinet (FC) or within DNs property are shown as located:   in local archive

Recent additions marked * in index  -  Scroll down the listing in chronological order,   or go to the most recent entry

or use this alphabetic index…

--- places---

Beckingham Hall

                      --------------------------- local characters and authors ---------------------

Chequers Inn (1)   (2)  (3)  *

Agar, Capt Augustus, VC,RN

Fielder, Karen

Padfield, Peter (1&2) (3)  *

Conservation area

Allingham, Margery

Frost, Crawshay (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)

Padfield, Anne

Domesday Book

Atkinson, Revd John (1)   (2)

Gardner, Revd Frederick

Rose, Mary

Ellacombe Chimes

Banyard, Vysian

Hay, Linday Fitzgerald (1-4)

Rudsdale, Eric

Falcons Hall

Benham, Maura (1) (2) (3&4) (5) (6) *

Hebborn, Eric

Salter, Dr Henry

Flight Station (1)  (2)  (3)    *

Brazier, Florence *

Horsley, Mary

Shuckburgh, Revd Charles

Follyfaunts (1)    (2)

Bushell, Peter

Howes, Revd Edward (1)  (2)

Smith, Graham

Goldhanger Woods

Canning, Joseph (1&2)  (3)

Jenkins, Sir Gilmore

Southgate, Cyril


Chaplin, Cecil  

Key, Lorna

Tegerdine, Linda

Lt. Totham

Christian, Ewan

Kennedy, Pete  *

Webb, Elizabeth (1-4)


Christy, Miller (1&2)

Lee, Mary & Cathrine

White, Janet  

Osea Island (1)  (2)  

Claydon, Beryl

Mann, Bernard & bellringers

Thorby, Chris (1)  (2)

Parish magazines

Coe Coape, Henry (1)   (2)

Mansfield, Ernest (1)  (2&3)  (4)

W.I. on Goldhanger             *

School magazine 

Cohen, Jack

Morant, Philip  

Wigbourgh & L33 Zeppelin 

Spitzbergen  (2)  

Corina, Maurice

Moore, Tony

Wilkin, John 

Stone in The Square

Doyle, Paul

Newman, David (1)  (2)  (3)

Wilkin, Stanley

Study Centre in the school

Wanda Whiteley - Goldhanger Dog

Newman, David  (4)  (5)  (6)  (7)  *

Williams, Revd Dr Daniel (1-2)

The Rectory

Farries *

Nunn, Stephen *

Woodward, Walter

Tolleshunt Major

Fitch A E 

O Connor, Teresa

VE-75 & WW-2 reminiscences

Tollesbury  *

2022 Jubilee Programme


Wesleyan Chapel







The Domesday Book

The Domesday Book wasn’t in fact one “book”, there was a great book and a little book. Essex and Goldhanger are in the little book. There are 3 entries for the village, associated with the 3 Counts who owned the lands.

See more at... Domesday entries for Goldhanger

Location: online at...







Register of baptisms, marriages and burials

covering the years 1558 to 1752


Location: Essex Records Office  D/P 79/1/1

(also see the 1754 entry)


About... St Peters Church








Short Arithmetick:

or The Old Tedious way of Numbering

Reduced to a New and Brief Method

Revd. Edward Howes wrote and published this book while Rector of Goldhanger.

More at…  The Revd Edward Howes


Pages: 90, 24-pages are in The Revd Edward Howes

Location:  the British Library and some universities






Gospel-truth, stated and vindicated

The Revd Dr Daniel Williams wrote this book and many other books while owner of Beckingham Hall and much of the land to the north of Goldhanger.

More at…  The Revd Dr Daniel Williams



Location:  This and his many other books are in the Dr Williams Library at..

14 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AR








Register of baptisms, marriages and burials

covering the years 1754 to 1812


Location: Essex Records Office  D/P 240/1/3

      (other registers are available in ERO)


About... St Peters Church











Churchwardens Accounts Book

covering the years 1754 to 1861


Location: Essex Records Office  D/P 79/5/1


About... St Peters Church









History and Antiquities of the County of Essex

written by Philip Morant in 1758, this very large book has 6 pages of locally relevant information from that period.


Pages:  6 out of 810 (and are here... Morant extracts)

Location:  Maldon Library









Practical Discourses on Several Important Subjects

This book was published after Dr Daniel Williams death from manuscripts he left behind.

More in…  The Revd Dr Daniel Williams



Location:  This and his many other books are in the Dr Williams Library at..

14 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AR








The Diaries of the Revd Charles Verney Shuckburgh

The Revd Charles Verney Shuckburgh was Rector of Goldhanger(1797 - 1834)  and also Rector of Langford. He is recorded to have written a diary 20 volumes long, and only one volume is said to remain in existence.


Location:  unknown







St Peters Church accounts books

Churchwardens accounts from 1862 to 1969

Church tower fund, 1923 to 1926

Churchyard fund, 1924 to 1928


Location: Essex Records Office  D/P 79/5/1


About... St Peters Church







Villa and Cottage Architecture   published by Blackie & Son.,

 A history of the Victorian Rectory contains a detailed description of the then new Goldhanger Rectory designed by famous Victorian architect Ewan Christian.  Included are three impressive lithographic drawings of the east, south and west elevations.


Relevant Pages:  7 of the 112

Location:  the digital archive, ERO I/Mp 154/1/3

                  the drawings are frequently offered on ebay






Walks, Talks Travels and Exploits

by the Revd John Christopher Atkinson, who was born and brought up in Goldhanger. His father was a curate in the village. Although he spent most of his life in Yorkshire and wrote many books, his first two were written while in Essex.

More at…    Revd. John Christopher Atkinson


Pages:  433

Location:  occasionally offered on ebay

and read on-line at…,Talks...






The Ringwoods of Ringwood

by Mervyn Merriton, whose real name was Henry Coe Coape. He was a wealthy Goldhanger landowner and resident in the mid 1800s. Fifteen literary works by H C Coape, covering novels, play, operas and short stories, have been identified. The Ringwoods of Ringwood is probably his best known work.  More at…  Henry Coe Coape


Pages:  998 published over 3 volumes

Location:  reprints are available on-line

Can be read on-line at…






Maldon and the River Blackwater

by Edward Arthur Fitch, between 1894 & 1899

(there were several versions)

E.A. Fitch (1854-1912), was Mayor of Maldon in the late 1800s. He was a farmer, ornithologist, historian, antiquarian and author, and was president of the Essex Field Club.


Pages:  3 of local interest out of 100

Location:  Maldon Library + Fitch extracts here








British Birds’ Eggs and Nests

Written by the Revd John Christopher Atkinson, see above.

More at…    Revd. John Christopher Atkinson


Pages:  122

Location:  occasionally offered on ebay

and read on-line at…






Goldhanger Woods

A children’s smuggling and romantic story written by sisters Mary and Catherine Lee while staying at Tiptree Priory, on Tiptree Heath. The Goldhanger village portrayed does quite fit the one we know.

See… Smuggling


Pages:  88

Location:  occasionally offered on ebay

Can be read online in Google Books at… Goldhanger Woods






In a Jesuit Net, A Story of the Time of Louis XIV

by Henry Coe Coape,  wealthy Goldhanger landowner and resident in the mid 1800s. This is one of fifteen literary works by H C Coape, covering novels, play, operas and short stories. (see above)

More in…  Henry Coe Coape


Pages:  390

Location:  Originals and reprints available on-line







This children’s book was presented to 10 years old Florence Brazier, by St. Peters Church in 1892 as a reward for regular attendance at the Sunday School.

The family move to Canada in 1910 and the book is still held by the family there today.





1895 -1940




Bound Copies of  Goldhanger Parish Magazines

A large bound book that includes a wealth of information and many articles written by the Revd Frederick Gardner, Rector of Goldhanger and Little Totham between 1893 and 1936. It also includes many parish magazine reports during the Great War.


Location:  Colchester Library, Local Studies section ref: E.GOL.1









Local Postcards

Over 200 postcards of village scenes have been found, and copies but not the originals, are held locally. Samples are shown on this website at…  Early postcards


Location:  local digital archives







The History of Salt Making

by Miller Christy, a well known Essex historian and archaeologist, and who wrote many books and articles in his time. This article is bound and preserved in the Colchester Library and has a lengthy description of the excavation of the Goldhanger Red Hill, at Bounds Farm.  See… Salt extraction in the Blackwater


Pages:  15

Location:  Colchester Library ref: E.664.4







Osea island - the new temperance seaside resort

Mr. Charrington produced this booklet to publicise his temperance resort which operated from 1903 until WW-1.

It has many extracts from newspapers and magazines and several photos.

Pages:  22

Location:  this site at...  Osea booklet






The Goldhanger Stone: What is it?

This article was also written by Miller Christy, and is bound and held in the Maldon reference library, and includes an early photograph of the stone just resting in The Square.

Reprinted from: Trans. Essex Archaeological Society, Vol. 11, new series, Part 1, 1909.

See..  Stone in The Square


Pages:  3

Location:  Maldon Library, ref: E.GOL.913








ASTRIA - The Ice Maiden

Ernest Mansfield’s first novel has a significant autobiographical and science fiction content. The complete book is available on-line at… Astria - the Ice Maiden    More about…  Ernest Mansfield


Pages:  157

Location:  copy with the local archivist [DN] and believed to be rare.






Northern Exploration Company Shares Prospectus

Largely written by Ernest Mansfield.

More in…  Spitsbergen Prospectus's


Location:  Norwegian Polar Institute








Ralph Raymond

Ernest Mansfield’s second novel also has a significant autobiographical content, being based on his experiences in New Zealand.  See.. Ralph Raymond summary (pages 72-76 of Mansfields articles)

More in…  Ernest Mansfield


Pages:  344

Location:  copy with the local archivist [DN],

                  and occasionally offered on ebay








Northern Exploration Company “Marble Island”

Shares Prospectus

Largely written by Ernest Mansfield

More in…  Spitsbergen Prospectus's


Location:  Norwegian Polar Institute








Encyclopaedia of Modern Pig Farming

Farm management information together with advertisements for the Tiptree herd of “Large Black” pigs, written by Stanley S Wilkin.

More in…   Stanley S Wilkin


Pages:  32

Location:  occasionally on internet bookshops







An English Village - Goldhanger

This delightful small booklet written by school girl Mary Horsley while staying at The Parsonage in Head St., Goldhanger. It contains several period photographs.

There is a sample on page-29 of... Ancient Goldhanger Documents


Pages:  16

Location:  digital copy in the local archives







Dr. Salter’s Diaries

Dr Salter's diary and reminiscences from the year 1849 to the year 1932 contain many references to Goldhanger.

See… Dr Salter's diaries


Relevant pages:  about 30 of the 404

Location:  Maldon Library at E.TOL.2.920, and occasionally on ebay


          No cover seen

Rifle Company and Platoon Tactics

Non-fiction, by Major Lindsay Fitzgerald Hay. Not seen.

Pages: 52

Location:  seen on eBay in the past






Goldhanger School magazine Jubilee Number

Produced for the King’s jubilee. It has 36 pages of descriptions of the village and poems written by Village School children in their own handwriting.


Pages: 36

Location:  at... School magazine  and [FC]

(this high resolution version may be slow to open)






The History of Beckingham

This booklet by W L Hall gives the history of both Tolleshunt Major Church and Beckingham Hall and has many illustrations.


Pages: 38

Location:  the paper archives [FC]

Some of the information in this booklet was used in the creation of...

A history of Beckingham Hall






It wasn't a nightmare

Major Lindsay Fitzgerald Hay first novel while living at Folly Faunts, which was said to be semi-autobiographical.

See..  Major Lindsay Fitzgerald Hay


Pages: 287

Location:  copy with local archivist [DN]





The Terrible Hand   and  No Mean Tartar

Two novels written by Major Lindsay Fitzgerald Hay that follows on from his previous book and is said to be semi-autobiographical.

See..  Major Lindsay Fitzgerald Hay


Pages: 288 & 264

Locations:  not known









  in the Homes & Gardens magazine

a 3-page article about Follyfaunts house at the time when Major Lisday Fitzgerald Hay was in residence. However, the article is mainly about the Major’s Ming China and his recently published book. The article is available here...








The Oaken Heart

Margery Allingham’s only non-fiction work covering a period of WW-2 between 1938 to 1941 written at the request of her USA publishers in support of the call for the USA to join the war effort. For "security reasons" the names of the villages were changed    eg Goldhanger is “Goldenhind” and there are several references to the village and the surrounding area in it. Some are on page-27 of the  VE-75 booklet online


Location: libraries and online








The Rules of the Friendly Brothers

a booklet with the 1951 version of the rules

Pages: 6

The histopy of Friendly Brothers is here

and here is the text of... The rules








The Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation

Sir Gilmore Jenkins lived in Goldhanger house in the 1950s and 1960s. He was Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation and wrote this book when he retired in 1959. The book has not been seen and presumably has no Goldhanger content.

See..  Sir Gilmour Jenkins


Pages: 231

Location:  ebay and on-line second hand booksellers








Footprints in the Sea

By Captain Augustus Agar, VC, RN, Commodore of HMS Osea who headed a mission into the Baltic Sea in 1919 and sunk two battleships in Kronstadt harbour.


Chapter-5 of the book is largely about HMS Osea.






An Introduction To The Birds Of Hong Kong

Written by Maura Benham while working in Hong Kong and before she retired and moved to Goldhanger. More about… Maura Benham


Pages: 97

copy with the local archivist [DN], and occasionally on ebay








The Titanic and the Californian

Written by Peter Padfield while living in Fish St in the 1960s. Peter has since published over 30 books all with nautical themes.

More about…  Peter Padfield


Pages: 318

Location:  Essex and Suffolk libraries and occasionally on ebay







An Agony of Collisions

The second book written by Peter Padfield while living in Fish St. More about…  Peter Padfield


Pages: 204

Location:  occasionally on ebay






Pile it High, Sell it Cheap

Biography of Sir John (Jack) Cohen, founder of  the TESCO supermarket chain, written by Maurice Corina. Cohen’s of Little London Farm, which is within Goldhanger parish and his creation of “Goldhanger Fruit Farms” is described in chapter-7 of the book. 

Sir Jack Cohen's biography on this site has many extracts.


Relevant pages:  about 15 of the 204

Location:  Colchester Library, Local Studies, E.GOL, occasionally on ebay and [DN]








From Black Dog to Black Sheep - A Higham Family Tree

This booklet by JRS Higham describes the members of the family who lived at Highams Farm in the 15th and 16th centuries and includes a sketch of the farmhouse and its Crown Post roof structure.


Relevant pages:  4 of the 78

Location:  paper archives [FC]

                  The 4-pages are available on this website







Goldhanger - an Estuary Village

The first and only published book on Goldhanger history, written by Maura Benham. The complete book is available on-line at… Maura Benham Book                  

More about… Maura Benham


Pages: 88

Location:  a copy is in the archives [DN].

Many are in the village and appear occasionally on ebay








Goldhanger Study Centre

An A4 size booklet with information for teachers and students with sketches and descriptions of the houses in Fish St. produced at a time when the Village School was being used as a study centre by St Edwards school, Romford.


Pages: 9

Location:  at... Study Centre booklet  and [FC]







Essex Windmills, Millers & Millwrights

written by Kenneth Farries and published in 1985 in five volumes.

Volume four (F-R) contains a 1-page description of the Goldhanger windmill in Fish St. that was available to let in 1781.

See extract in... Goldhanger Lost - Windmill and Steam-mill


Relevant pages: 1

Location:  Essex libraries and for sale online








The Story of Tiptree Jam - the First 100 Years, 1885-1985

Written by Maura Benham. 

There is much more about… Maura Benham on this website.


Pages: 56

Location:  Essex libraries, ref: E.TIP.664.83  and on-line








The Essex Village Book

written by members of the Essex Women's Institutes,

published by Countryside Books in 1988,

with a description of Goldhanger supplied by the local W.I. members.

Pages: 192 with 2 pages about Goldhanger

Location:  Essex libraries and Amazon

The text is held in... Descriptions of Goldhanger - Compliments






Byrthnoth’s Last Journey: from Maldon to Ely

a booklet written by Maura Benham and published as part of

Maura’s involvement in the:

991 to 1991 - Battle of Maldon Millennium commemorations


Pages: 20

Location:  Maldon Library, ref: E.248

a machine readable & searchable version is online here at...

Byrthnoth's Last Journey







Drawn to Trouble - Confessions of a Master Forgers 

The autobiography by Maldon artist and forger Eric Hebborn.

The book has a full chapter about Crawshay Frost's influence on his career. Extract are in... Crawshay Frost


Location:  copy with archivist [DN], Essex libraries, ref: 750 HEBB  and on-line





The Story of the Wesleyan Chapel in Goldhanger

A short booklet written by Maura Benham

More about… Maura Benham


Pages: 11

Location:  copy in the digital archives [FC]

and Colchester Library, Local studies E.GOL.287





A Study of the Chequers Public House

in the Village of Goldhanger

written by Janet White in the 1990s

A manuscript of an architectural study of The Chequers Inn undertaken in the 1990s. Janet had permission to access the roof space and took rare photos of the ancient beams and wattle & daub partitions, which are included in the report. Some of the information in the report was used in the creation of the The Chequers webpage.


Pages: 11

Location: FC, digital archives & online: the manuscript

and now in machine readable form






Falcons Hall, an architectural study

written by Anne Padfield in 1995

A report of an investigation to identify the separate construction dates of the parts of the buildings and its wings.

See... Farms - Falcons Hall


Pages: 6 - including several plan and elevation sketches

Location:  in the digital archives [FC], and online here... the manuscript





The Story of Tiptree Jam – beginning the second 100 years

written by John Wilkin in 1995. This is a sequel to The Story of Tiptree Jam, the First Hundred Years written by Maura Benham in 1985. This was written by John who lived at Bounds Farm, just before he retired from the position of Chairman of the company.


Pages: 6 - including several photos

Location:  a copy is in the paper archives [FC] and extracts are in John's biography







Migration to Maldon

The story of evacuees and others who came to Maldon district during World War II, which was  published by Maldon District Council in 1995 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the war.

It contains two letters referring to Goldhanger.

Pages: 50

Location: Maldon Library






History Group paper archives

In the 1990s the local history group accumulated a filing cabinet full of paper records of village history. This was used as the basis of several history exhibitions in the village. Although now largely digitised (see the 2004 entry), the filing cabinet (now held by DN) and paper is still maintained and the material is still accumulating.







An autobiography of and by Graham David Smith. It has many references to Maldon artist and forger Eric Hebborn and of visits to Crawshay Frost in Fish St.


Relevant pages: 5 of the 255

Location:  a copy is with the archivist [DN]

                  extracts are in  Crawshay Frost 




Fields of the First

The history of aircraft landing grounds in Essex used during the First World War, written by Paul A Doyle. When the First World War began Essex had no military aerodromes, but by the end thirty one had been laid down for use by all three services. Goldhanger was one of them and this book gives its history, describes the site and has some photos. Some of the info. in it is used in… Flight Station


Relevant pages: 5 of the 112

Location:  a copy is with the archivist [DN]









The Goldhanger Millennium Calendar

A two year calendar designed by Tony Moore and David Newman covering the years 1999 & 2000, produced to celebrate the Millennium and to record village life both before and at the time. It was designed to be cut in half to create a permanent booklet. Several hundred were sold to raise funds for St Peters Church. See… The Millennium Calendar


Pages: 27 all with local pictures

Location:  copies in the archives [FC] and around the village







Tollesbury in the Year 2000

The story of a village and its people.

A Millennium project that produced a very large paper-back book.


Pages: 304  with many local pictures

Location  Essex libraries & [DN]








Tolleshunt Major in Words and Pictures

 by Karen Tuke


Location:  Essex libraries reference: E.TOL.4

a PDF version is now available via Facebook

Contains many local photographs






A History of Follyfaunts House

written by Peter Bushell in 2002. The booklet gives both the history of the building, 21 owners and others  who have lived there, plus some village information, covering the period of 1250 to 2002.


Pages: 9 page booklet, which is an abridged version

Location:  a copy is in the digital archives & [FC] and online here .

See... Farms - Follyfaunts







The Early Goldhanger Memories

In 2002 Cyril Southgate wrote his Early Memories Goldhanger from his childhood in the 1930s including his recollections of being in the village during WW-2.  They are at…  Cyril Southgate's memories


Pages: 8

Location:  on this site & copy in the local archives [FC]





Digital version of the History Files

The paper archives were progressively scanned to provide a source of digitised material for local history presentations. Over several years, more than 70 copies of these files were distributed on CDs and DVDs locally and to former residents throughout the world. More recently a subset has been put on the internet (see the 2011 entry).

Pages: 3000+ (if ever printed)







Madrigal and…

Over a 3 year period Beti Webb wrote four children books...

Madrigal the Secret Witch

Madrigal's Midsummer Magic

Madrigal and the Magician

Madrigal and the Bent Broomstick


Location: available locally and on-line







Little Totham - The Story of a small village

Lorna Key wrote and published the history of Little Totham, which includes a chapter about the Revd Frederick Gardner, who was Rector of both Little Totham and Goldhanger. It describes to the Rector’s involvement with the Spitzbergen expeditions. There are also reminiscences about the Goldhanger Flight Station.


Relevant pages: 6 of the 127

Location: in Essex libraries, ref: E.TOT.2

                 copy in the archives [DN] and extract... here







Funeral of a Bellringer

A 30 minute programme broadcast on BBC Radio 3 that recalled the bell ringing life of the former Goldhanger Tower Captain, Bernard Mann. The voices of the more recent Tower Captains can also be heard.

Listen: to a short extract at... Funeral of a Bellringer

Location: a copy of the full audio is in our Digital Archives







Once Upon An Island

Written by Joseph Canning, who spent his childhood in Goldhanger and went to the village school… “It is written about places that exist and characters I knew. I grew up along the estuary and in the village I describe”. The character in the book “Horatio Crockshay Volwycke-Hoar” is remarkably like the one and only… Crawshay Frost

More about…   Joe Canning and his other 11 locally based books

Pages: 480

Location: Maldon library, ref: E.823,   and on-line






Olive’s Boys

Written by Joseph Canning, who spent his childhood in Goldhanger and went to the village school. The book is assumed to be semi-autobiographical… London 1940, the Blitz in London is at its height, amid it all a young mother Olive fights against the odds keep her seven children, defying the bombs and the authorities. She returns to the village where she was born.

More about…   Joe Canning and his other 11 locally based books

Pages:  308

Location: on-line bookshops and [DN]








History of St. Peters Church

A small booklet on the history of the Church written by David Newman


Pages: 32

Location: on sale in St Peter’s Church

and similar information  is at… St Peters Church







The Licence

Memories of a Chequers Inn by former landlady Mary Hulbert,

now Mary Rose.

More about…  The Chequers Inn


Pages: 138    short extracts at...  Licence - extracts

Location: many copies within the village, on ebay and [DN]





Goldhanger Conservation Review & Character Appraisal

Written by Karen Fielder et al, for Essex County Council. It was much criticised at the time by the village history group for its many inaccuracies. A revision was promised by was not forthcoming.

See…  The Goldhanger Conservation Area


Pages: 71

Location:  Digital archives [DN] & Maldon District Council’s website






Goldhanger Historic Settlement Assessment

Written by Teresa O' Connor on behalf of Essex County Council as part of the Conservation Area Review (above). It contains many useful maps, listing of monumental sites, bibliography and other historical information. See…  The Goldhanger Conservation Area

Pages:  50

Location:  Digital archives [DN] & Maldon District Council







Home of the Goldhanger gold hunters

This issue of Maldon Museum’s “Penny Farthing” magazine had a 2-page article about the Goldhanger gold hunters who made many journeys to Spitsbergen in the early 1900s. Background material was supplied by DN.

Relevant pages:  2 of 20

Location: available online at...







Maldon Heybridge and the Great War

written by Stephen Nunn

Chapter-4 is about the Goldhanger Aerodrome/Flight Station

and Chapter-5 is about HMS Osea

Relevant pages:  10

Location: [DN]






Round to Midnight

“A partly true story” and “an eerily atmospheric tale of an evil spirit” written by Linda Tegerdine, who previously lived in Goldhanger and based this novel on her experience of a property in the village.


Pages:  250

Location:  on-line bookshops and [DN]






Prospero's America

Written by Walter Woodward

This book refers to, and quotes, some 25 letters that the Revd Edward Howes, Rector of Goldhanger wrote to his friend John Winthop, Governor of Massachusetts in the 1600s.

More about..  Edward Howes  and his relationship with Governor John Winthop


Relevant pages:  about 50 of the 317

Location:  Google Books & on-line bookshops







St Peter’s Church Archaeological Monitoring

Monitoring was carried out on the groundworks associated with the construction of the new Community Room on St Peters Church. The report reveals not only the contents of the graveyard exposed in the locations excavated but also information about the scale of the foundations of the Church.

Location:  digital archive





Goldhanger in the Past  - on the web

From 2011 onwards a subset of the local history material (see 2004) has been maintained on the web at...Goldhanger Past After some initial local publicity, the material was found and indexed by search engines, and extensive local historical information can now be found by searching with browsers.

More material is regularly added, see... recent changes

Webpages:  205+   as of 2024

A4 pages:   1800+   if ever printed out!








Journals of Wartime Colchester

Eric Rudsdale’s diaries from WW-2, which have many references to Maura Benham as a young girl and friend of Rudsdale when she was living with her family in Colchester. Rudsdale's role as a curator and air-raid shelter superintendent at Colchester Castle during WW-2 gave him the perfect opportunity to record life on the home front.


Pages:  223

Location:  Essex libraries Ref: E.COL.1.940.53161  and on-line bookshops. Short extracts are in... Maura Benham







Heybridge in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

By Beryl Claydon. Bentall Engineering played a big part the history of Heybridge. As the company was founded by Goldhanger farmer William Bentall and was based on his Goldhanger plough invention, the history of the Bentall family and the company takes a major part in this book.  See.. Local characters from the past


Relevant pages:  about 15 of the 228

Location:  local book shops, on-line and [DN]









Time Traveller Jamie Tate: To Colchester

A children’s book written by Vysian Banyard, Goldhanger Parish Clerk.


Location:  on-line bookshops







Ernest Mansfield - Gold or I’m a Dutchman

Biography of Ernest Mansfield, Goldhanger resident and gold prospector in the early 1900s, written by Susan Barr (Oslo), Greg Nesteroff (Nelson, BC) and David Newman.

More about…  Ernest Mansfield


Pages:  192

Location:  Maldon Library Ref: "B/MANS-622.3422092" and [DN]

A short extract is at... Gold or I’m a Dutchman







Cecil Chaplin’s local history collection

Throughout his life Cecil built up a collection of village historical documents, newspaper cuttings and photos. Many have been shared with the History Group.

Size:  multiple A4 ring binders

Location: The collection remains with his family








The Goldhanger hoard

A copper hoard was discovered by metal detecting in a field near the Blackwater Estuary in October 2000. It is a collection of 61 ingots now housed in Colchester Museum. An examination of The Goldhanger Hoard was undertaken as part of a PhD project in the University of Sheffield, which included a study of British Bronze Age metalsmithing tools, metric recording, photography, and analysis of the chemical composition.

Location:  digital archive








A History of Goldhanger Aerodrome

A draft chapter of a planned book by Charles Marshall was kindly given to the History Group as part of preparation for a Zeppelin Busters presentation commemorating the 100 anniversary of the opening of the Aerodrome / Flight-Station.


Pages: 24

Location: Digital archives  [FC]

with extracts of the Operations Records here





Goldhanger Parish Magazine

First of a new series in A5 format edited by Chris and Steve. Since then PMs have had landscape images of old postcards and historic local scenes, etc. on the cover provided by DN.

Inside the magazine there was a thank-you note from the Parish Council to Lesley Arnold who had edited the PM for the previous 14 years.

All copies are available here...  Parish Magazines








Goldhanger in the Past

This book written by David Newman was sold to raise funds for St Peter’s Church and the Village Hall improvement project. It was produced using material on this website and includes over 300 images.


Pages: 160

Location: [DN] and online at: Goldhanger in the Past





Zeppelin L33 – a night to remember

The story of the crash of L33 at Wigborough on September 1916 as told by the Wigborough Community Group.

The booklet has a large number of period photographs and refers to both Goldhanger and Stow Maries Flight Stations and acknowledges DN and the Goldhanger History Group for permission to use material from the Goldhanger Past website.

Pages: 59

Location: on sale at the Mersea Island Museum & DN









Life Journeys: The Wisdom of all the Ages

Chris Thorby wrote and published this book in the last few years of his life while suffering from a debilitating illness.


Pages: 180

Location: online bookshops and Colchester Library 509







Maura Benham and Chris Thorby Collections

A large number of historic books, booklets, documents, old maps and hand written notes that had belonged to both Maura Benham and Chris Thorby were donated to the village archive.


Location: They are stored in a large plastic container close the village filing cabinet.








Mayflower II

Peter’s last published book recalls his experiences on board Mayflower-II during the 1957 epic voyage.

It was shortly after that voyage that Peter moved to Fish St. in Goldhanger. He later moved to Woodbridge where he spent the rest of his life.   More about…  Peter Padfield

Pages: 130

Location:  Suffolk libraries, Ebay & Amazon








The Camp at Gledlang

This is Joseph Canning’s latest in a long series of novels. He spent his childhood in Goldhanger and went to the village school. It is a fictional tale based on Joe’s experiences as a young man when a camp was set up near the village in 1956 for Hungarian refugees.

More about…  Joe Canning and his other 11 locally based books.

Pages:  280

Location: on-line bookshops







VE-75 at Goldhanger:

World War II local records and reminiscences

produced for the 75th anniversary of VE-Day held on the 8-May 2020, and containing 32-pages of contributions from twelve residents. Compiled by David Newman on behalf of the

local History Group. The booklet is online here...

 Pages: 32

Location: Copies available in the village and [DN]








The story tells the tale of Daniel O'Dork who came from the Northern English town, an aspiring young artist in 1969 who began creating strange characters. These 'comic characters' gradually became quite important in his life.

Author:  Pete Kennedy   see... Pete’s Blog

Pages:   112

Location:  Amazon Books







Ellacombe Chimes – Two hundred Years

Produced by Mike Gates for the bicentenary of the invention of the device by the Revd. Ellacombe in Bitton, Somerset. As co-author of the EC Support website, DN contributed seven pages to the book which can be seen online here...

Pages: 150

Location:  online from Lulu here and [DN]






The Goldhanger Dog

“A magical Tudor tale of two misfits”. Set in 1553 at Goldhanger, a tiny fishing village on the Blackwater marshes. Fifteen-year-old Dela's strange bond with animals has her branded a witch by the locals, but manages to find sanctuary at New Hall palace owned by Princess Mary.     See...  DN & others reviews


Pages: 304

Author:  Wanda Whiteley

Location: Gardeners Farm Shop,  online  and [DN]







2022 Jubilee Programme

The 2022 Goldhanger Jubilee Celebrations events programme produced by the Jubilee Planning Committee.


Pages: 24

Location:  sold locally – events list at... The 2022 Jubilee webpage








Past Jubilees

A booklet produced in advance of the Jubilee to help raise funds for local celebrations. It contained many images of previous Goldhanger Jubilee events that are held in the archives.


Pages: 32

Location:  sold locally, held on this website and [DN]






A Study of the Chequers Public House

in the Village of Goldhanger

The manuscript written by Janet White in the 1990s of an architectural study of The Chequers is and now in a machine readable webpage format.

Pages: 5

Location: here... machine readable webpage format



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