Descriptions of
Goldhanger from the past
informative historically extracts from
across the centuries
- Complimentary extracts 26 quotes from 1786 to 2013
Ancient Goldhanger Documents 60+ items
from 1000 to 2000 - Court and Newspaper Reports 120+ extracts from several sources
- Newspapers from the past 100+ items from 1787 to 2003
- Top articles from the 20th century 12 articles in high-definition
Property sales from the past 70+ items from
1765 to 1955 -
Sale of 20 properties in
1906 the Revd. Leigh’s estate being
sold off - Goldhanger Conservation Area two MDC documents
Village listed & unlisted
buildings 39 properties -
Goldhanger Millennium Calendar 24 pages:
1999 - 2000 -
Domesday Book entry and the three land owners described -
Past Lords of the Manor from the 1000s to the 1890s -
statistics for Goldhanger from 1086 to 2011 - Goldhanger trade directories nine from 1848 to 1914 - Parish magazine history articles about 100 articles from over 10 years |
signifies the place, but how this comes to be dignified with the fine name of
Gold, we cannot well conceive. . .
Whiteʼs Directory of Essex, 1848...
a neat and pleasant village, at the head of a short creek, on the north side of
the estuary of the Blackwater, 4 miles East North East of Maldon, has in its
parish 520 souls. The village has a fair for toys on Whit-Monday, and a great
part of the parish is low and marshy, but on the north side the surface rises
gently, and the soil is a gravely loam. . .
Topographical Dictionary of England, 1848...
...This place
of 520 inhabitants is pleasantly situated on the road from Maldon to
Colchester, and is bounded on the south by the river Blackwater, creeks of
which come up to some of the farms. It consists chiefly of low marshy ground,
having a light gravely soil, but producing good crops, especially of barley. A
small pleasure fair is held on the Monday and Tuesday in Whitsun week...
The living is
a rectory, valued in the kingʼs books at ₤25 19s 4d and in the gift
of the Rev, Thomas Leigh. There are places of worship for Independents and
Wesleyans. The Romans are supposed to have effected a landing from the river
Blackwater; and some mounds in the parish show that they encamped here . .
Shoreditch Observer, August 1899...
A Trip on
Shanks's Pony
is picturesque from the distance, and is the centre of some of the prettiest
trips in Essex. Maldon is a place to stay at, and we are to spend Sunday at
Goldhanger, a typical Essex village on the Backwater.
for Sunday. The quiet church with its square tower; the lanes with their tall
trees, and long strips of grass and wild flowers, where a thousand butterflies
flutter away the summer day; this is the place of rest. We cross the fields in
the evening after chapel and see a rare sunset. The crimson glory repeating
itself in pools left by the tide. The pale half moon growing brighter as the
twilight deepens and its shimmering reflection lengthens out in tiny puddles
amid the weeds. It is the evening hymn in colour; nature's great cathedral
service, and we are hushed in its quiet.
have been through some of the best of Essex, the cool breezes with us, ozone
laden, and the weariness gathered in a year of London is already departing from
The Manchester Guardian, 24th February 1920...
Over the dim
hills where gorse was all abloom in February there were villages Whose names
were as the jingling or bells. Every signpost in this lovely land was a scrap
of purest poetry, not huddled away in musty pages, but flung bravely to meet the
sun and the wind and the eye of the wanderer. There was a signpost at the
cross-roads just ahead of me, and three of its arms I could read as I
approached: Tolleshunt Knights, Tolleshunt DʼArcy, Hatfield Peveril and I
new these names: they had been jingling in my ears for many miles. But the
fourth arm, as it swung into view, pointed beyond the ridge of the hill and
sounded a new and deeper note. It was as if some mighty poet, passing away from
earth, had murmured the name with his dying breath. I whispered it softly to
myself, and I thought of serene sunsets and meadows high with corn and the
shade of great trees. Goldhanger, Goldhanger, I said aloud. "I will go to
And I climbed quickly to the summit.
From the
topmost ridge the miles drooped gently into the broad bosom of an estuary. The
tide was out and the mud shining in the sun. Brown-sailed yachts lay stranded
off the fairway, and through the broad belt of mud the river ran in a curve of
gold. And scattered on the nearer bank there were red-roofed cottages and a
church with a candle snuffer tower and a white windmill. That was Goldhanger.
The road swept
down amongst the gorse, and the cool salt wind blew in from the shore. I
remembered things that had happened over a thousand years ago, and mighty
battles that were fought upon these green slopes. Danish galleys had pushed up
the estuary at high tide. Danish warriors had staggered across the mud and
shingle and hammered their way up the hills. There was no village in those far
days: the hills were lonely for miles inland, yet even in their desolation
there would have been beauty in the brown mud and the river sweeping to the
sea. Time and time again the sunset spilling its glory over the estuary had
dazzled the eyes of those Danish warriors as they made one last attempt to
fight their way in from the shore, and the brave blood of countless forgotten
men had drenched the waving slopes on which the gorse now bloomed. It could not
have been until many a score years afterwards that Essex folk began to creep
over the ridge and settle in huts by the edge of the river-mouth. They would be
poor fisher-folk mostly, and some day they would wake to find their hamlet
grown worthy of a name. But why Goldhanger? Was it be divine accident of some
feudal scribe, or did it spring from the soul of an unknown poet of the land?
The road
narrowed here into an ill-defined pathway, and climbed abruptly to the top of
the sea-wall. A long shining arm of the estuary stretched ahead, dotted with
scores of mud banks overgrown with reeds and sea lavender, and all around down
both slopes of the sea-wall the grasses waved with shadow and sunlight. At the
mouth of the creek the estuary swelled infinitely to the open sea, and miles
and miles of brown-black mud hissed in the sun. The sea-wall rolled ahead into
great meaningless curves: somewhat to one side the red-roofed village nestled
cosily in the dimple of a hill. And above everything was the yellow sun
stooping to the west amid the brittle blue of a February sky. There was no
sound, save when the wind shook the grasses into waving tumult, or when the
seagulls gathered and rose over the mud banks and called shrilly and swooped
again to rest. The village drowsed as it had drowsed through years uncounted;
no murmur of life came fit its clustered roofs. And suddenly I knew what
Masefield meant when he wrote:
must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
a loud call and a clear call that may not, be denied.
When I left,
the tide was creeping in through the maze of mud banks, and I could hear the
water oozing and splashing amongst the reeds. The thin gold bar of the river
had widened into a broad lake, and over it to seagulls were flapping their
wings and crying weirdly. Far in the west, where the estuary closed into the
hills, the sun was brooding, in proud splendour, and in the nearer distance
Goldhanger lay in the last blood-red rays. Here and there a window glittered
like a ruby, and afar off with faces gloriously aflame came figures along the
sea-wall. They were the boatmen, waiting for the coming of the tide.
Extracts from Dr Salterʼs diary published after death
in 1933, relating to Goldhanger...
Dec 1864
- Drove to Goldhanger to attend the Hand-in-Hand Club Fest. (could be his term
for the Goldhanger Friendly Brothers). The fellows were very jovial and drank
the health of their new doctor most enthusiastically.
July 1870 - Goldhanger
Regatta. Rowed and came second.
Mar 1871 - Busy vaccinating everyone in
consequence of an epidemic of smallpox.
June 1872 -
Went down to the great wedding at Goldhanger between Kate Creswell and Mr Baker
Harrington of Colchester - a grand affair. I got there in time for the
breakfast set out very tastefully in the barn. In the evening dancing to the
dulcet tones of the Colchester Volunteer Band. Home at 4am.
Nov 1872 - Telegraph wire into DʼArcy
Nov 1875
- Sent for in a hurry to Goldhanger. A boat capsized and one of its occupants
was reported drowned, but by four hours diligent perseverance of artificial
respiration and rubbing I got him round.
Apr 1884
- An earthquake at 9.20 a.m., knocking down a chimney of the house which nearly
came through the roof, frightening everybody very much and ringing all the
Aug 1884 - Vaccinating from calf at
Tollesbury all afternoon.
July 1888 - Flower Show
at Goldhanger - several firsts
Jan 1890 -
A new epidemic of influenza
Aug 1890 - Up to our necks in Diphtheria.
Mar 1895 - influenza everywhere, small-pox
in Tollesbury.
Aug 1900 - Isolation tents up at Goldhanger
for diphtheritic patents.
Sept 1901 - A Tollesbury
man caught a shark in the Blackwater, it weighed a cwt and measured seven feet.
July 1902
- I took the 9 oʼclock train to London and with it my new alstroemeria
(blood red), which I took up to the Westminster Royal Horticultural Societyʼs
Committee with a view to getting a certificate if I could, and hence make it a
new flower with a naming of my own. The Committee were unanimous in giving me
the " Award of Merit," the highest honour in horticulture. I had to
name the plant, so I called it Mrs. Salter.
May 1906 - Made a director of the
Spitzbergen Exploration Co.
July 1906
- Dined at Goldhanger rectory and heard Revd. Gardnerʼs story about
Spitzbergen, from which he had just returned. His account is wonderful and
there seems to be great results looming over all participants, myself included.
Feb 1908 - The telephone is being put into
the house.
Aug 1908 - A telegram that the Spitzbergen
assay was 16grains per ton and therefore useles.
July 1911
- Letter came capsizing my plans for going to Spitzbergen. I am out of it
regarding polar bear and reindeer shooting. My 70th birthday tomorrow too!
July 1911 - Bombarded by
newspaper men about Spitzbergen.
June 1912
- First meeting of Northern Exploration Company, Spitzbergen. There were some
splendid exhibitions of marble of all colours. It seems to me that things will
now go.
July 1913 - Saw an
aeroplane over the village for the first time.
1915-1916 - Over a two
year period Dr Salter makes 32 references to Zeppelins in the area.
Mar 1918 - Clinched a deal with the
Northern Exploration Company, receiving 1000 pounds for 2100 shares. I think I
am wise.
1918 - Attended a women with her 10th
child, all of whom I have brought into the world.
Her mother was present as a nurse, who had 13 children, all of whom I brought
into the world. Her daughter was also present with her 2 children, also
attended by me. Total 25.
Nov 1918 - Spitzbergen resuscitation (after
24 years)!
Feb 1920 - Spitzbergen property seems to
have done well after all - I am the poor chap left out in the cold!
Mar 1923
- To Marconi House to see the installation than Mansfield has ordered to be put
into my house at a cost of ₤120.
Marconi House is a wonderful place. I shall have the machine put in and they
say it will be the most simple to learn, we shall see.
April 1926
- The great airship Norge passed over the village on the way to Norfolk, and
them to Spitzbergen and the North pole. It left Rome yesterday.
More about . . . Dr Salter
The Essex Chronicle, 1937...
ʻYour Essexʼ at Goldhanger |
The blacksmiths shop ─
the school ─ the Church ─ the Square, yes! This was Goldhanger. I made my
way to Head Street where Mr. W. Wenden lives. He knows the village well, and
I wanted a chat with him - a preface to my visit. Mr. Wenden was in his
garden rich in choice apple trees. Goldhanger is noted for its fruit. A chat
with Mr. Wenden and I journeyed back towards the Square, calling at the house
of Mr. John Howard, where I learned much about village yesterdays. Mr. Howard
first attended school held in a room in two cottages. The governess was Mrs.
Dennington. Later he went to school at the Old Rectory where Miss Barlow was
the teacher. Sunday school treats, at which roast beef and plum pudding were
served came to mind as he recalled the past. Scholars took their own plates,
knife, fork and jug, and Mr. Samuel Huxter, the rectorʼs gardener, and
Mr. Collins, the butler, assisted at the gathering.
turned to the church choir when Emily Huxter, Emily Miller, Ernest Hume, John
Owers and Anna Miller were Choristers. Miss Emily Leigh played the harmonium.
Mr. Howard remembered when the singing at the church was led by a barrel
organ played by William Brown, the church clerk. Carol singing with Fred
Stokes, Charles Wenden, and William Argent, I heard of, and the joyous time
spent at the farmhouses. Speaking of his early days at work, the name of Mr.
Henry Hobbs of Falcons Hall was mentioned. Mr. Howard worked for him at the
time when William Brown, William Wager, Thomas Halls and William Gardiner
worked there. The 1881 blizzard became a topic of conversation, and I heard
that the wind was so strong that it blew three waggon loads of wheat over. From Mr.
Howardʼs I went to Miss Wendenʼs home in Fish Street, a street so
called I image, because it leads to the sea wall, where once Samuel Jordan,
Joe Wenden, James Gooch and Tom Miller carried on the fishing industry. Miss Wenden
was a pupil at Miss Stowellʼs private school, which used to be held in a
cottage nearly opposite the present school. Alice Bridge, Patty Scowen and
Bob Bridge were pupils too. Miss Wenden attended the Wesleyan Sunday School
when Mr. Henry Bevis was superintendent and Miss Alexander a teacher. |
Local preachers of past the who
were remembered were Messrs. Robinson (Witham) and James Freeman, Samuel
Stratford, and Joseph Wisbey (Maldon). Miss Wenden
had heard that her grand- father, George Alexander, a Wesleyan, used to
preach in a cottage opposite to the mill. Name after name came up as we
talked of the past: Charles Alexander, coal merchant and grocer: John
Alexander, sheep doctor; Jacob Belsham, who had the windmill; George Stowell,
the butcher; James Cooper, wheelwright; Charles Hutley, blacksmith; and
William Bateman, shoemaker. I met Mr
Weymouth James Smith, born in Goldhanger in 1849. His father was a builder
and taught him the trade. Talking of his fatherʼs business Mr. Weymouth
Smith called to mind the names of Robert Bruce and Edward Baxter; two
employees. At a house
near the Garden Field called to see Mr. Manfred Jordan. His father was a
fisherman and had owned the five-on smack The Diamond. Mr. Jordan remembered
James Bevis, Harry Hover and George Gardiner, all of the Coastguard service.
He recalled too, the time when James Taylor was policeman, and when William
Harvey drove a mail cart from Maldon to Goldhanger. Mr. Bitten
at The Chequers, and Mr. Caleb Chaplin, who sold beer and baked bread where
the Cricketers Inn is now, were other memories. It was Mr. Jordan who told me
about the fair which used to be held on Whit-Monday and Tuesday when stalls
stood in the street. He spoke, too, about the feast held in the Chequers in
connection with the benefit club. Incidentally I learnt from Mr. Jack Spitty,
the host at The Chequers, that an annual feast is still held in this charming
old hostel. Mr.
Jordan worked for Mr. Robert Francis at Joyceʼs farm when Charles Eve
and Job Day worked there. Other farmers he called to mind were Messrs. John
Boyes, William Wakelin, Thomas Baxter and Thomas Holmes. He remembered
William Kettle, the blacksmith. We fell to talking about the waterside. "A lot
of people get there in the summer. I have seen fifty cars on a Sunday, people
coming down to the water.
" Said Mr. Jordan, whose house is not
far from the approach to the waterside with its attractive view of Osea
Island. |
A visit to see a fine old walnut
tree in the garden of Mr. Dewsbury Dessue, and then I made my way to the
Cricketers Inn, part of which years ago was a bakerʼs shop. Mr. McRea,
the host, pointed out to me the bakerʼs window. Not far from
The Cricketers is the blacksmiths shop carried out by Emeny Brothers. I met
Mrs. Alice Emeny, whose husband had been at the forge for over half a
century. Speaking of those who had been employed by her husband, Mrs Emeny
mentioned Henry King and Harry Rumsey. Mr. Jack Emeny told me of the Fifth of
November bonfire lit on the stone near the pump in The Square, and the
skittle alleys where women used to bowl for tea and men for tobacco. The Bird in
Hand and The Dolphin, one time beer-houses, were spoken of, and Mr. Henry
Walden, who kept The Cricketers for 46 years. The Rev. C. B. Leigh and Rev.
F. T. Gardner, past rectors at Goldhanger, Mr. Sam Ellis, the vet, who lived
in Maldon, and Dr. J.H. Salter who lives in Tolleshunt DʼArcy, I heard
of, and night journeys to the Doctor along rough flint roads at a time when
carriage lamps were not used. The 1884 earthquake which rattles the shoes
hanging in the forge so they jingled like bells, formed another topic of
conversation. Stokes is a
name you are almost certain to hear if you spend any time in Goldhanger, for
the family has been in the village for many years. I had the pleasure of
meeting Messrs. George and Charles Stokes. "My great-grandfather",
said Mr. George Stokes, "was
the skipper of a sailing ship, and later went into the Preventative Service". Mr.
Stokes had heard tell of smuggling days when the feet of horses were bound so
that the direction they took could not be discovered. I listened to a
century-old smuggling story in which Preventative men found twenty barrels of
spirit on the premises of a man who despite the fact that he disclaimed any
knowledge of the spirit, was sent to prison. Daily in prison he is said to
have received from an unknown benefactor a splendid lunch. Before my
visit to Goldhanger ended, evening shades were changing the appearance of the
blacksmiths shop ─ the school ─ the Church ─ the Square. |
The Essex Chronicle, 1938...
by Ethel Beatrice Page, The Old Rectory, Goldhanger
The countryside had a mood to-day.
Or so it seemed to me.
Colour was drained from earth and sky.
And the river ran grey to the sea.
Nevertheless. I walked on the wall.
Serene in hope, for I believe.
Nature - clever old nurse she is.
Would have something good up her sleeve.
She let me into her jewellery store.
A glorious flash of blue.
As a kingfisher skimmed the waterʼs edge
Down by Goldhanger Shoe.
Maldon & Burnham Standard, 1939...
. .this tiny Essex village nestles on one of the numerous creeks in the Essex
coast. The world has passed Goldhanger by, for it remains today as it was when
the English civil war began. Leading from the village centre is Fish Street,
which with its cream washed cottages might well have been taken from a Cornish
village and planted here. . .
The East Anglian Daily Times, 1939...
. . .where river and country combine there
is always a strange fascination, and in Goldhanger this fascination provides
full measure and running over. For here we find not only the salty tang, the
invigorating freshness, ever belonging to the districts where a comparatively
important waterway flows bravely between green marshes; we find all those
radiant features, those homely and pleasant things whose charm, is so
infinitely soothing and delightful to the eye. . .
...Goldhanger in fact, provides that happy
mixture of salt water and fruitful earth, although perhaps it is the purely
rural aspect of the village which provides Goldhangerʼs greatest attraction.
Much old timber-work exists in the habitations, some spacious, but all friendly
of aspect and mellowed by time. Here, indeed, it seems that time itself has
stood still, so that the flowering gardens, veritable patchworks of colour, and
presenting that simple, yet beautiful aspect which far outstrips anything the
towns have to offer, seem to reveal much of the same tranquillity and the
untrammelled designs as they did in days far less hurrying than the present. .
Essex Countryside magazine, 1955...
. . .Goldhanger is one of the sunniest and cosiest of
the Blackwater villages. Its large church almost nestles in an avenue of
chestnut trees, and from the churchyard one looks into acres of
"Dʼarcy Spice" apple orchards sloping
down to the waterʼs edge. Here is the largest collection of " Dʼarcy
Spice " grown in this country. These greeny-brown, rather unattractive
apples, but which have the sweetest flavour, were never a popular apple to
grow. But here at Goldhanger the growers are gradually evolving a more
attractive looking apple and at the same time keeping its delicious flavour. .
. . .these Blackwater villages, which nestle so
comfortably behind their creeks and saltings, have an air of prosperity and are
very much " on the map." They have a large and growing yachting and
boating clientele, and their oyster trade, fishing, the secrets of their
saltings and their nearness to Maldon and Colchester give them a certain
business and commercial atmosphere, flavoured very nicely with the salty tang
and colour of the riverside, often so blue with sea lavender or yellow with
golden samphire. . .
Heirs to the Kingdom - The Life Story of Charles Rawlinson, 1956...
it is not known when this extract was written, but
the context of the original long article suggests 1920 - 1940
The authors were Jane Rawlinson Geertsen (a
descendant) and Dora Bargh (a historian) from the USA
Rawlinson, son of Samuel Rawlinson, Jr., and Sara Sorkins Rawlinson, was born
in Goldhanger, Essex, England, March 24, 1816. According to records, the
Rawlinsons have lived in this locality for many generations, even before the Norman
conquest. This particular family seems to have been carpenters, for Charles and
his brothers had been taught carpentry and cabinet making.
Little is
known of his early life. His mother died while he was quite young, but he had a
very fine stepmother, Ann Coker Rawlinson, whom they loved as a mother. Because
of his skill in carpentry he was chosen to help do the fine wood carving on the
banquet tables for the coronation of Queen Victoria, in 1837, during his 21st
Between the
ancient market towns of Maldon and Witham (population 6,600 and 3,700,
respectively) is a country of quaint little villages with romantic names -
among them Wickam Bishops, Goldhanger, and its near neighbors, Little Totham,
Tolleshunt Major, or Beckingham, as it is commonly called, Tolleshunt Knights,
Tolleshunt DʼArcy and Tollesbury. It is a beautiful, peaceful country, not
essentially changed from the days when the Rawlinsons lived there. A country of
farms, woods, historic churches and mansions, and the home of many quaint customs
and superstitions.
Of my week in
Essex, I spent half in Goldhanger and half in Tolleshunt DʼArcy. Buses are
few and far between in these remote villages. I walked eight, ten, or twelve
miles a day, and my journeys took me to many interesting places and I saw many
interesting people. Many a time I have walked from one village to another
without meeting a soul in between, so lonely is this forgotten corner of
England. There are no street lights, no electricity. It is an awesome
experience to find dusk falling on one of these lonely roads several miles from
a village. It is a sight to see each morning the people bringing buckets and
all kinds of conveyances, primitive and otherwise, to the village pump. This is
their only water supply. A forgotten country! It is a country which the
majority of the inhabitants of this over-civilized island have never known.
I must confess
to my shame that, previous to my visit, I had never heard of Maldon or Witham,
though I had heard praises of the village with the beautiful name, Tolleshunt DʼArcy.
I was glad to find it a convenient centre for my work, for it is as beautiful
as its name. It is old, stately and well kept. In the village, I was told that
William the Conqueror had a house here and that it was he who gave the land to
the DʼArcy family, his illegitimate descendants. DʼArcy Hall, a
beautiful old moated house, is still inhabited. The charming lady with whom I
stayed was full of DʼArcy lore. Her people had kept the village inn for
generations. Her father was French, and a smuggler in the days when smuggling
was a major industry in Essex. In those days, she told me, the innumerable
creeks of the Essex coast were better known to the French, Dutch and Portuguese
smugglers than they are to the inhabitants of Essex today. Contraband goods
found their way into most Essex homes, high and low. This lady gave me some of
the celebrated DʼArcy spice apples which fetch a very high price in Maldon
and Colchester, where they are known for their true value. There are only a few
trees in existence, and the legend is that they originated in a parent tree
which was planted by William the Conqueror. I was sorry that I had not time to
hear the tales which my new found friend would have delighted to tell, or to
examine their treasured pewter., china, etc., or to learn the mysteries of the
wonderful Essex dishes which she loved to make. I hope that I shall be able to
do so at some future time, also to explore this unique country before the
inevitable happens and it is popularised and spoiled. Incredible as it seems,
it is only forty miles distant from London.
Goldhanger and
Tollesbury are situated on the estuary of the River Blackwater. Much of the
land in the neighborhood is marsh land which has been reclaimed from the sea. A
few generations ago that dread disease, the ague, was a frequent visitant in
Essex homes. Churchyards and parish registers reveal many tragedies of this
plague. The people of this region are mostly engaged in farming, fishing, or
seafaring. I found them a simple, kindly people, willing to give what
assistance they could to my search. Coming from such a great distance with such
a strange request (or so it seemed to them) I gained a certain notoriety.
Sometimes on approaching a perfect stranger I would find that my fame had gone
before me. The hue and cry which I raised for the Rawlinsons will not soon be
forgotten. If I am able to go again, as I hope, I shall find friends.
The Rector of
Tollephunt Knights told me that the Rawlinsons were a fine stock. There is a
pure Saxon strain in Essex, he said, and none are purer than the Rawlinsons. A
sturdy, healthy breed, seldom ailing, working hard like their fathers before
them and bearing well the rigours of the laborerʼs life, the type which
breed good children and are the salt of England. Before I had been in Elder
House, my "home" at Tolleshunt Darcy, five minutes I inquired if
there were any Rawlinsons in the neighborhood. The reply was immediate.
"Why, itʼs just peppered with ʼern". And so it was. The
first thing I saw at Tiptree was an ice cream cart bearing the name. When I
inquired for Rawlinsons at the Post Office, the Postmistress was staggered. The
name is as common in that little town as Jones in a Welsh town. It seems likely
that they are all related. They are a genuine old Essex family, marrying and
intermarrying in that same country where they were born and bred.
[Samuel Rawlinson is listed in the 1820 Tithe map
and awards as Carpenter in the wheelwrights shop. "Rollinson, Samuel" is listed in the 1838 Tithe Awards living in
the wheelwrights shop in Church Street next door to Caleb Chaplin, who later
created The Cricketers Inn there. Samuel Rawlinson is also listed both the 1841 and
1851 censusʼs as a carpenter living in Church Street. There are also
several "Cokers" listed at the same time.]
Essex Countryside magazine, 1962...
has never been any gold in "Goldangre" except that made by
salt-makers, oyster-dredgers and the scallywags who were always opening up
unlicensed ale-houses with attendant facilities of "gamming". Of all
Goldhangerʼs sins, smuggling was the least, because the men in a revenue
cutter anchored off the Stumbles had a clear view of anything creeping up the
Blackwater! Furthermore, they could look straight down the narrow Goldhanger
Creek and over one field to St. Peterʼs tall tower. These times the Creek
is a quiet place, for the salt-making, carried on since Roman times has
Poem written by A W Richards, Goldhanger postman in 1962...
Goldhanger, the village of my hopes and
Often Iʼve
seen rainbows, blessing her it seems.
Life brings
changes, the weather brings changes too,
Down by the
creek Iʼve seen storms and sun from the blue.
Heaven sent deep
falls of snow in the old days,
winters were severe, with icy ways.
Now as older I grow, I love fields that are green,
Grand memories of them come back serene.
Each spring time I love the scent of godʼs sweet flowers,
Really Goldhanger has given happy hours.
The Kingʼs England - Essex, by Arthur Mee, 1966...
Goldhanger. It stands remote, close to the Blackwater
estuary, and down by its sea-wall is a mound of red soil, one of 200 still seen
beside the Essex estuaries, sites of potteries in days before history. In this
mound Roman pottery was found in carefully constructed flues, and the experts
say that here some potters settled in Caesarʼs day, working an already
ancient site. There is no doubt that the Romans were here, for their bricks are
in the church walls, set here by Norman hands. The deeply splayed windows of
the Normans have now brilliantly coloured portraits of the saints. The bold
tower, the chapel, and the three-bayed roof of the nave are mediaeval. In the
chapel is the altar tomb of Thomas Heigham and his three wives; one of their
portraits is still in brass on the tomb, showing her in Tudor costume. The big
churchyard, with its many chestnut trees, is a pleasant place to linger in on
an autumn day, when creeper clothes the porch in a glowing mass of red and
Shell Guide to Essex by Norman Scarfe, 1968...
. . .Goldhanger - Before Norman times "the slope where marsh-marigolds hung". The main delight now
is its creek on the Blackwater and the walk from Decoy Point over to Osea
Island. In the village the Chequers is a place for tales of wild-fowling and
the old barging days. A wheel turned village pump is still in use at the corner
of Head Street and Church Street. . .
The - Conclusion - from Maura Benhamʼs Goldhanger - An Estuary
Village, published in 1977...
. . . Then Goldhanger moved into the great
changes and developments of the 20th century, a period which calls for a study
of its own set in a wider context. . .
Of the village today it is probably true
to say that the people think more of the Triangle than the Square, though the
old part around the Square has achieved the status of a Conservation Area. The
Triangle is formed by Church Street, Maldon Road and Head Street, and much of
the housing is built around h. The space beside the church where the tithe barn
stood is empty today, and the school next to it is likely to close soon. But
the Coastguard Cottages still stand looking across to a meadow opposite, and
further up the road George Emeny has developed his familyʼs forge into a busy
engineering workshop meeting the needs of agricultural machine repair, boat
construction and many other types of ironwork.
In the Square, Bernard Mann carries on his
familyʼs building business, and the Quy family, a name well known for
several centuries in Little Totham and Goldhanger, provide the village taxi
service in Fish Street. More recent in their foundation arc two valued
services: the village shop and Post Office run by the Abreys on the Maldon
Road, and Peter Powerʼs motor engineering workshop opposite the church. As
to public transport, the family firm of Osborne brings buses through the
village on the route between Tollesbury and Maldon, and Maldon, though deprived
of its railway, gives bus services to many parts of the area including
Chelmsford, Colchester and Southend.
The population today is about 700. There
is a Council housing estate and many new privately built houses, some replacing
old cottages and others forming a new fringe to the fields. The Village Hall
took the first new plot in Head Street in 1939, and soon had developments and
replacements on both sides. Some families have been here for generations and
some are newcomers. There is work for a small number within the village, but
many spend their working day outside it, in Maldon or further afield, with a
few commuters driving off in the early morning to catch the London train.
The complete book is at. . . Maura Benham Book
The Essex Village Book, 1988 - written by members of Goldhanger
. .There is much to be seen on a visit to the village of Goldhanger, situated
midway between Chelmsford and Colchester. At the top of Church Street, stand on
the larger grass triangle and, looking up the drive to Folly Faunts, imagine
how it looked when the manor was given to help found Beeleigh Abbey, close to
Maldon, in 1180. Then cross to the smaller triangle and glance up the drive to
the big red brick house, built in 1851/2 by a well-to-do clerical family to be
the rectory. They had good parties there, and entertained Lewis Carroll. Walk
down Church Street and you will see on your right a row of red brick cottages
neatly built to the edge of the road to house four Coastguards and their
families. On the other side is the school building which served us well from
1875 to 1977; today the children go by bus to a school in Tolleshunt Dʼ
Arcy. The Goldhanger building is now a nursery school with a Christian ethos. .
you are in the centre of the old village, with the 11th century church, the
Chequers pub, very old and of uncertain origin, and the Square. The inside of
the church has been altered over the centuries, but the two small Norman
windows in the north wall give it the 11th century date. Outside, the stonework
shows clearly how in the 15th century they built the tower a few feet away from
the church, and when it was complete knocked down the churchʼs west wall
and joined the church to the tower. . .
. .back by the churchyard gate, one finds that the road takes only half of the
old Square, the other half, with a brick wall making the division, being the
Chequers car park (and previously a vegetable garden). On the north side only
the first house shows how the buildings used to face on to the Square; the next
three have taken a piece for their front gardens, again defined by the brick
walls that marked out the village, probably in the latter part of the first
half of the 19th century. . .
. .all this would have mattered more over 640 years ago, for they needed a big
square with the pump in the middle, not on the pavement as it is today. In 1348
the lord of the manor got royal permission for a market Thursday, and at the
same time for an annual fair which included for sale ribbons, gingerbread and
knick-knacks, held in the 18th century on 14th May and later on Whit Monday.
Nowadays we block off that stretch of road and so use half the old Square for
the May Fair on the Bank Holiday in May.
The District Chronicle, 1989...
. . .Goldhanger may not be the busy
fishing village it once was but itʼs still a popular haunt for
holidaymakers and day trippers out to sample waterside tranquillity. Commuters
have discovered the delight of Goldhanger too, travelling just 20 minutes to a
mainline station from a community which gives the impression or being well off
the beaten track. So now there are sports cars and Mercedes outside the former
fishermanʼs cottages in Fish Street and the old bakers, blacksmiths,
butchers, fishing and post-office have closed along with two of the four
original village pubs which have been converted into expensive homes. . .
Maldon & Burnham Standard, 1993...
. .Goldhanger is a timeless village. It has a proud past, but there are fears
about what the future will hold. Nestling close to the River Blackwater, name
such as Fish Street recall the days when fish would be carried from the seawall
to the village centre, then livelier than much of the time it is today. . .
Essex Countryside magazine, 1996...
. .this attractive estuary village, once an important fishing centre, has many
reminders of its past, not least of which is the name of its church, dedicated
to St Peter, the patron saint of fishermen. The name of the village itself has
been a matter for .discussion over the years. the expertsʼ favourite
explanation is that Goldhanger describes golden flowers on grassland. . .
. .Outside the church of St Peter, three old streets join in a wide space still
called The Square. This would have been the centre of village activity until
the early years of this century and the village pump can still be seen here.
Beside the pump is a semicircular slab of granite, which clearly is not local.
Archaeologists have concluded that it comes from Devon and was probably a cider
mill stone, brought by sea in two pieces. . .
East Anglian Daily Times, 1999...
. . .The only substantial reminder of
Goldhangerʼs historical connection with the fishing trade is the quaintly
named Fish Street. Although situated on a creek, Goldhanger gives the
impression of an inland village, with the village pump, church and pub clustered
picturesquely round a spacious square. But the smell of salt water is in the
air, and from upper windows some lucky villagers have a spectacular view of the
Blackwater and nearby Osea Island. Despite limited expansion, Goldhangerʼs
population stands at roughly the same level now as at the time of the Domesday
survey. The village is full of life and activity, with a range of facilities
that puts many larger villages to shame...
The Salty Shore by John Leather published in 2003...
. .A field at The head of Thirslet Creek is called Red Hill and was the site of
ancient salt making, once a widespread occupation on the shores of the
Blackwater. The word "saltings", describing marsh which is subject to
covering by the tides, indicates the origins of the salt boilersʼ trade
and salt pans were worked in many places beside the Blackwater. Salt water was
pumped into clay- lined tanks to commence evaporation, which was completed in
shallow trays of partly evaporated water. heated over fires of brushwood and
later of seaborne coal. After rock salt was discovered and mined in Cheshire.
about 1670, the salt makers used it to increase production by dissolving it in
sea water, and the solution was then re-evaporated by boiling. Salt making was
also carried on at Goldhanger, a small village upstream from Thirslet Creek and
was transferred from there to Heybridge about 1810, probably because of the
attraction of the Chelmer canal for transport. By 1894 Maldon salt works was
the only one remaining in Britain. It continues to flourish and sends quality
table salt to many countries.
village lies at the head of a shallow creek between Tollesbury and Heybridge.
It does not seem to have had many maritime associations beyond occasional
fishing, smuggling, the loading and unloading of barges with agricultural
cargoes in the days of sail. However, it is an ancient village which for many
years had a population of 500. The Will of George Osborde, a Goldhanger
fisherman, dated 1575, left a "half boat", a "bream net", a
"new vag nec" and other gear to "my brother in law Heard".
The netʼs descriptions arc now obscure but could have been a beam trawl
and a seine net. The two surnames are interestingly local today, for Osborde
must surely have been contemporary spelling of Osborne and at least one
fisherman named Heard still lives in Goldhanger.
dramatic events took place in this peaceful place excepting the occasional
smuggling run or the great tide in 1736 which burst the sea walls, drowning
cattle, sheep and five men, including John Cooper, a decoy man. There were at
one time four wild duck decoys at Goldhanger, typical of the many on the coasts
and rivers of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, which were worked for gain rather
than sport.
"Zeppelins over Essex" by Bill Meehan,
published in Essex Life in the 2003...
. . .There is no visible trace left today
to indicate that there was once a busy operational fighter airfield within a
mile of Goldhanger village. It was located alongside the B1026, on the south
side of the road, in the fields adjacent to Gardenerʼs Farm. The clue to
this important piece of military history lies in the centre of the village, in
the graveyard of St Peterʼs Church. Here you will find two Commonwealth
War Graves Commission headstones, where Second Lieutenants Sydney Armstrong and
Frederick Crowley are buried. . .
. . .St Peterʼs Church is a tall and
imposing building with 11th Century origins and a 15th Century tower. The tower
can be seen from a long way out in the wide Blackwater River and has served as
a useful navigation mark for sailors for hundreds of years. A public footpath
starts at a kissing gate, into the churchyard and thence through two rows of
yew trees to an unusual little stile in the far churchyard wall. . .
. . .Spare a thought and perhaps a smile
and a cheery wave, for the two pilots as you walk through. The footpath leads
on to a delightful walk around fields to the seawall, back via the playing
field at the bottom of Goldhangerʼs Fish Street and thence to your
starting point at the church - twenty minutes if you step out, forty if you
dawdle. If you go in summer youʼll see larks rising, hovering and falling.
In October to March, with luck, youʼll see the Brent Geese who come here
from Siberia to spend the winter every year. You may see them feeding at the
waterʼs edge as the tide recedes or flying in formation overhead. . .
. . .The view you will have across the
Blackwater to Osea island will be as it was when the pilots of C Flight, 37
Squadron, saw it when on patrol in 1916-18. When you have completed your walk
and arrived back at the church, you will find that the Chequers Inn is right
next door, should you need sustenance.
about. . . The Goldhanger Flight Station
A poem written by David Webb for the bellringerʼs Church
service in 2005...
Oh what are you ringing
you Goldhanger ringers;
Is it to Matins you
summon your friends;
call the change which will signal your ending,
grasp the sally as the tenor bell ends?
How greatly your voice
can embellish a nuptial
With tintabulation from
the treble you sing.
no coincidence that the bride and her consort
Are each proudly shining
their bright golden ring.
Or is it the cry of a
baby new christened
Will call each of the
ringers to loosen a rope
To ring the godparents
and friends and relations
To the thrill and
delight of Christʼs message of
Only one pair of hands
for the tolling bell is needed
To say fond farewell to
a friend whom we love,
But imagine the tumult,
of joy and of welcome,
Which peals out from the
belfry in Heaven above.
God be the gloryʼ is our constant
fixed in our hearts by the hymn that we sing
In nervous beginnings,
in practised performance,
is only to you Lord, in praise, that we ring.
Goldhanger Historic Settlement Assessment by Teressa OʼConnor,
Essex County Council, in 2007...
Cropmarks and other evidence indicate that the area of
the lower Blackwater was occupied throughout prehistory. Goldhanger sits within
this swathe of cropmark complexes ... There is evidence of occupation of the
gravel terraces to the north of the Blackwater from the early Neolithic period
at sites such as The Stumble off the coast of Goldhanger ... The stretch of
coast along the Blackwater at Goldhanger has one of the highest densities of
red hills dating from the late Iron Age and Roman period.
Field names help give some indication of landscape
history of the parish where other evidence is lacking. . .many include Marsh or
Mead indicating the former extent of the marsh along the coast ... there are
many references to decoy fields ... there are mentions of Honey field near
Bounds Farm and Honey pasture close to Follyfaunts indicating where beehives
have been kept.
The extent of the medieval village is based on the
1777 Chapman and Andre map. It shows a nucleated village located at the end of
a creek. . .the number of people in the Domesday Book is the end of the
medieval period only 49 people as listed according to the Lay Subsidy of 1524
... The coastal marshes provided pasture for sheep, then valued not only for
mutton and wool, but also for ewes milk.
Henry VIII granted the farm of Fawlty to Charles
Brandon. Duke of Suffolk in 1538. It was sold on soon after to Robert Trapps
and son Nicholas. When these had both died the estate was passed on through the
daughters and various parts sold off. In 1768 it was in the ownership of
Charles Coe of Maldon who owned the Maldon saltworks. He was part of the Coape
family who, during the 18th-19th centuries had seats and/or estates at Wolvey
Halt, Warwickshire, Goldhanger, Essex and Ashby St Ledgers, Northamptonshire.
In 1855 much of the estate was sold off at auction, the estate consisted of
many farms including Vaultys as well as the decoys. Barrow Hill Marsh mills and
Osey Island. On the basis of similar settlements it is anticipated that
archaeological deposits and features can be anticipated to have survived in
this historic village settlement.
More in. . . Historic Settlement Assessment Extracts
Goldhanger Conservation Area Review, written and published by Essex
County Council in 2007...
Goldhanger Conservation Area encompasses the historic
core of the rural, estuarine village, focussed on the 11th century church of St
Peter and neighbouring 16th century Chequers pub. The historic settlement is a
very good nucleated village with all the traditional village elements: church,
pub, Victorian school, rectory and pump, although the shops have only survived
in vestigial forms. Its history is intimately linked to its setting at the head
of an estuarine creek, giving access to the river for fishing and transport.
The surrounding landscape supported a prosperous rural economy based on
agriculture and wildfowl. Bypassed by the main road, the heart of the
settlement is peaceful and unspoilt.
. . .The layout of the village follows a historic road
pattern where Head Street meets Church Street running north and Fish Street
running south towards the sea wall, where it terminates. Towards the top of
Head Street the road widens to create a broad open area known as The Square
with the village wheel pump, and this is a distinctive element in the street
scene. Despite significant 20th century infilling and replacement dwellings,
the conservation area retains a rich and varied historic built environment.
Properties span the centuries, exhibiting a variety of traditional building
methods and materials, of which soft red brick and handmade clay tiles notably
add warmth, colour and texture to the street scene.
. . .The conservation area is given cohesion and a
sense of identity by the common use of low red brick boundary walls to
properties. Attractive hedge boundaries and trees also contribute to a strong
green and rural character, particularly along Fish Street. The contrast between
the intimate enclosure of the village settlement and the occasional expansive
views of the surrounding flat arable landscape, sea wall and estuary creates
visual drama, particularly from within the churchyard.
There is a link to the complete document in. . . Goldhanger Conservation Area
Maldon District Council website, 2013...
Goldhanger - The great outdoors
by Malcolm Brown
Located to the north side of the River Blackwater, at
the head of a small creek is Goldhanger. The place-name Goldhanger is first
attested in the Domesday Book of 1086, where it appears as Goldhangra. The name
means slope where marigold grew, from the Old English golde meaning marigold. This
traditional village is steeped in history, with many privately owned period
buildings in a charming Conservation Area. It is not hard to imagine how this
tranquil village had a thriving and often shady past. With many small Ale
houses previously in the village, smuggling is well documented with tales of
floating rafts down the Blackwater, and brandy being carried from the Estuary
up Fish Street, on horses whose hooves had been muffled with cloth.
The church of St Peter - a fine example of a Norman
church is the focal point of the village and boasts a stunning stained glass
window creating a majestic view when lit at night. Near the Chequers public
house is the old village pump recently restored and winner of a Maldon District
Conservation award.
Goldhanger has oyster lays, where young oysters are
bred in beds to be sold commercially. This part of the District features some
of the most remote places where fishermen, birdwatchers, ramblers and painters
can be alone with nature. A circular walk is available from the Maldon District
Tourist Information Centre that guides you both on the coastal path and through
stunning farm land. If you time it right as the light is fading, you will often
see a pair of Barn Owls flying low across the flat reeds looking for food.
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