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Henry Coe Coape
James Coape
Revd. Henry Coape-Arnold
Revd John C Atkinson
Oliver Warin
Kate Wright
Cecil Chaplin
Rosemary Mann
Margery & Derrick Bailey
Geoff & Ann Appleton
Tony Moore
Ken Perry
Ron Cook
Victor Marigold
Mick West
Fred Halls
Denis Chaplin
Chris Purdy
Steve Wynne
Mike Webster
Lottie Smith
Mike Porter
Andrew Christy
Michael Sayer
David Webb
Diana Jenkinson
Chris Thorby
Barbara Abbott
Gordon Wright
Phil Glover
John Pearson
Eileen Southgate
Ian Valentine
Bob Smith
Audrey Childs
Frank Erridge
Liz Wood
Keith Wilson
Margaret Keusch
Mike Connell
Daphne Wilkin
Monica Purdy
Dione Page
Bob Christy
Peter Paddfield
Gwenda Wolstenholme
Ann Perry
Brian Wentworth
Trish Bunting
The Revd Donald Allan
Phil Bendall
Joyce Unger
Duncan Kennedy
Patsy Holdsworth
"only gone when finally forgotten"
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