Churchyard trees and views

images from St Peters churchyard from across the seasons collected over several years

select a picture to enlarge and zoom in


Churchyard at dawn

Welcome notice board

Snowdrops in the north-west corner




Daffodils by the north redbrick wall

Snow scene of the Tower from the gate

View from the Chequers Inn




Yew tree path to the stile

Turkish Oak seeded fom the Sandon Tree

Horse Chesnut in flower




Kate’s lime tree

Japanese ‘Snow Goose’ Cherry in bloom


Butter Cups around the War Memorial





Horse Chestnut on the front path

Red Horse Chestnut in flower

Young Oak in the new graveyard





Elderberry tree

Lilac bush

Variegated ‘Holy Thistle’




Laburnum in bloom

Silver Birch in the spring

Footpath and field over the stile




Mock Orange on the north wall

War Memorial in 2018

Crawshay Frost’s Wellingtonias




Estuary view from the stile in the wall

Stile and east wall in the snow

The stile & Alexanders

Wild Cherry near the east wall

East end of the churchyard

Primroses against the hedge

West window illuminated at Christmas

Footpath to Midnight Mass

Unveiling the new War Memorial plaque

related scenes are at...

Churchyard interactive map       Recent memorable village scenes         Timeless panoramic scenes         Early postcard scenes of St Peters


