Churchyard trees and views images from St Peters churchyard from across the seasons collected over several
years select a
picture to enlarge and zoom in |
Churchyard at
dawn |
notice board |
Snowdrops in
the north-west corner |
Daffodils by
the north redbrick wall |
Snow scene of
the Tower from the gate |
View from the
Chequers Inn |
Yew tree path
to the stile |
Turkish Oak seeded fom the Sandon Tree |
Horse Chesnut
in flower |
Kate’s lime tree |
‘Snow Goose’ Cherry in bloom |
Butter Cups
around the War Memorial |
Chestnut on the front path |
Red Horse
Chestnut in flower |
Young Oak in
the new graveyard |
tree |
Lilac bush |
‘Holy Thistle’ |
Laburnum in
bloom |
Silver Birch
in the spring |
Footpath and field
over the stile |
Mock Orange
on the north wall |
War Memorial in 2018 |
Crawshay Frost’s Wellingtonias |
Estuary view
from the stile in the wall |
Stile and
east wall in the snow |
The stile
& Alexanders |
Wild Cherry
near the east wall |
East end of
the churchyard |
against the hedge |
West window illuminated
at Christmas |
Footpath to
Midnight Mass |
Unveiling the
new War Memorial plaque |
Churchyard interactive
map Recent memorable village
scenes Timeless panoramic scenes Early postcard
scenes of St Peters |