Goldhanger - Past       website map     on Youtube  #    
  on Google Drive *   
top-level level-2 level-3 level-4 level-5   includes. . . images A4 pages   audio PDF video
Home page main menu - 1
Early postcards Maldon&LtTotham Rd&HeadSt 23 6
Church St +TheSquare&FishSt 36 4
Cricketers Inn, history & scenes photos 48 9
Greetings postcards postcards 6 1
St Peters Church postcards 13 2
Estuary scenes postcards 28 2
Early group photos photos 24 4
Family Photos photos 36 2
Zoomed Goldhanger postcard scenes  7-min. YouTube video #
Now & Then Goldhanger postcard  5-min. YouTube video #
Residents from the past - zoomed  5-min. YouTube video #
Postcard Titles and Numbers  analysis to find dates taken 23+ 5
Name of the village 3 sections, including.. 1 5
Street Names 9 streets
House & farm names 20 buildings
Descriptions of Goldhanger contents plus. . .
Complimentary extracts 26 articles 0 10
Ancient Goldhanger Documents 1000-2000 yr documents 50 43 *
Court and Newspaper Reports 90+ entries 0 7
Newspaper articles from the past 100 articles 100 36 *
Top articles from the 20th century 12 special large articles in hi-def 12 1
Property sales image extracts 68 25 *
Sale of 20 property in 1906 Revd. Leigh’s estate is sold off 34 5
Conservation Area background + 3 links 0 3
Historic Settlement Assess...pdf extracts 0 11 *
Domesday entry for Goldhanger translation & interpretation 6 3
Historic buildings a summary of historic buildings 39 2
Listed buildings the Parish 25 18
Not listed conservation area 14 8
Millennium Calendar scanned pages 27 14 *
Past Lords of the Manor of Goldhanger a list of 20 1
Population of Goldhanger lists 1 2
Goldhanger trade directories 9 directories *
Parish magazine history articles from 10yrs of parish mags. 240 13 10*
History of St Peters interactive plan & 100+ events 72 18
Video tour of St Peters 9.5-min Youtube video #
Study of St Peter’s Church Tower 8 sections 14 4
Bells of St Peters 3 sections, including.. 13 4 6*
Brief history of the Bells
Improving the sound of the bells 2 1
Ellacombe chimes links to Support sites & PDF 1 on Google & churchside1
Ragstone Bell Towers of the Essex Coast over 40 identified to date 4 3 1* *
Funeral of a Bellringer audio extracts from the BBC 5 1 1*
Oil Paintings in St Peters images & history 5 4
The Victorian Rectory history, drawings & postcards 12 3
Curates of Goldhanger 23 indentified so far 0 1
The Village School 50+ events over 400 years 23 5
1935 school magazine for the1935 King's Jubilee 5 36 *
1980s Study Centre Booklet for teachers and students 9 *
Chequers Inn history 15 sections, including.. 44 21
Stone in The Square
The Beer and Shrimp Brand
People & events
Tales from the tap room 20 tales
Short walks from The Chequers a map
The Friendly Brothers a history 14 5
A Study of The Chequers Inn 1990s hand-written manuscript 8 12 *
A Study of The Chequers Inn machine readeable text version 8 4
The Chequers Inn, tour and brief history 8-minute Youtube video 1 #
Portraits of locals portraits 93 8
Local authors 17 authors 16 3
Revd Edward Howes biography 15 4
Revd Dr Daniel Williams biography 6 3
the two Revd. Atkinsons two brief biographies 10 4
Henry Coe Coape biography 9 4
Miller Christy biography 22 3
M. Christy literary works 102 titles 0 3
Dr Salter extensive biography 25 11
Revd. Frederick Gardner extensive biography 27 13
Major Lindsay Fitzgerald Hay extensive biography 25 9
Crawshay Frost biography 7 5
Frosts Photos photos 13 1
Maura Benham biography 17 12
Byrthnoth's Last Journey machine readable booklet 2 19
Story of the Chapel Miss Benham's booklet 0 4
Cyril Southgate his memories 21 10
Peter Padfield brief biography 8 2
Joe Canning brief biography 9 5
Local characters 60+ characters 67 12
Higham family known history 18 7 *
Charles Brandon biography 11 4
Coe-Coape & Coape-Arnold families brief biographies 7 3
Jacob Mickelfield about his clocks 7 2
William Bentall brief biography 21 5
Revd. Charles Brian Leigh biography 28 7
Revd. William James Jay brief biography 11 3
The Gurton family brief biography 20 6
Charles Mann biography 24 8
Charles Page brief biography 17 3
Frank Wellington biography 21 12
Bill Hopwood biography 18 8
Francis Dodson brief biography 5 2
Sir Jack Cohen brief biography 8 5
Sir Gilmour Jenkins brief biography 2 1
Jack Spitty brief biography 9 4
Stanley S Wilkin biography 32 9
John Wilkin biography 30 8
Oliver Warin brief biography 11 2
Denis Chaplin biography 19 4
Mick West biography & music 20 5 1*
McMullen family family member biographies 18 5
Bob Christy engineer, farmer & bellringer 4 1 #
Gwenda Wolstenholme a well known & loved character 12 6 3* #
Arthur Appleton local character in early 1900s 17 2
Donald Allan the Rector from 1987 to 2001 0 1
Interactive map of Churchyard 30+ links from characters graves 1 1
The Goldhanger Historians 23 contributors 23 4
The Goldhanger Musicians 19 past & present locals 19 3
Art from the past paintings 30 3
Well known artists 18 artists 92 9
Vasant Chinchwadkar freelance professional artist 60 7 *
Beckingham Hall gateway 10 artworks 12 2
Local sculptures and wood carvings items 25 5
Goldhanger Lost 8 features, including.. 39 11
Tithe barn and Glebe
Cottages Lost 30 cottages on a map
shops Lost over 60 businesses indentified
Barns Lost 6 barns on a map
Cottages lost - postcard views 23 hi-def. pictures in a PDF file 23 23 *
More Goldhanger Lost 5 features, including.. 10 5
Wesleyan Chapel
British Legion Hut
Pit Cottages 7 3
Chapel near Chappel farm 9 5
Beekeeping at Goldhanger and uses of the bee products 7 2
Maps from the past 16 maps 16 1
Local highways & byways in the past maps & descriptions 14 4
Aerial Views from the past 8 high definition photos 16 1
Interactive historical map high definition map with 30+ links 8 1
Interactive map with postcard scenes similar map with 29 links 1 1
Surrounding Area interactive map with 22 features 1 3
Beckingham Hall history a pictorial history 40 10
Beckingham Hall Gatehouse 5 minute YouTube video #
The Barrow Marshes historical links to Goldhanger 28 10 #
Virtual Museum approx.100 artefacts 130 17
Virtual Library 70 books 70 11
Morant 6 page extract from his 1758 book 6 *
Fitch 3 page extract from his 1894 book 3 *
Village signs & posters past & present 41 6
Spitzbergen - prospecting for gold 9 sections 44 18
Ernest Mansfield - Gold prospector 9 minute YouTube video #
Summary of EM activities and docs 600+ entries in a pdf file 0 16 *
EMs Book - Astria the Ice Maiden 152 page pdf file 0 152 *
EMs Scientic Predictions in the book 10 predictions 0 3
Ernest Mansfield - Journalist & author 50 articles in pdf file 0 62 *
Uncovering Ernest Mansfield’s past finds from 2006 -2018 1 0
Mansfield’s biography 12 page extract from the book 1 12 *
Local farms in the past - using an interactive map 13 farms around the village 94 14
The Great War 4 sections, including.. 71 18 1
The War Memorial & Names
Building the Memorial
Goldhanger Flight Station
William Hume remembering the fallen 1 1 1
William Hume & sinking of HMS Hawke images & websites 4 1
100yr commemoration & new plaque 31 5 8
Great War Armistice Celebrations 21 5 4 #
Armistice posters 22 images in a pdf file 22 22 *
Zeppelin Busters over the Blackwater details of Flight Station actions 79 13 1*
Zeppelin Busters over the Blackwater 9 minute YouTube video #
37-Sqdn Night Landing Grounds Eastwood & 11 others identified 7 3
HMS Osea Island
HMS Osea interactive map with 30 locations shown 31 1
Parish Magazine Articles 52 articles 0 17
World War II memories 9 sections including... 28 10
VE-75 celebrations & booklet * #
Residents who served in the forces a list of 60 identified 1 2 *
Estuary Activities 11 sections including... 49 15
decoy ponds, shipping, military activities, and...
Fishing at Goldhanger & the Blackwater 5 sections, 4 subpages... 34 17
Hervey Benham extracts 1 2
Henry Laver extracts 1 4
Emmett brothers extracts 0 3
Marine Fauna of the Blackwater Estuary 0 3
Goldhanger Decoy Ponds a history of this local activity 16 2
Osea Island history
Osea Island Reminiscences 11 min. YouTube video #
Osea Island images from the past 6 min. YouTube video #
Osea Island Seaplane Trials reports & images from 1913 11 2 2*
Seawall history its construction and maintenance
Local flooding in the past 15 incidence recalled 35 8
Smuggling 4 sections, including.. 45 13
The Coastguards
Oysters 5 2
Salt extraction in the Blackwater 75+ events 24 7
DXing from the Estuary ...a benefit of salty water 1 1
Archaeology Map map 1 1
Archaeology 40+ entries 17 4
Listed Buildings and Monuments English Heritage "Gateway" links 0 1
Ancient wooden posts in the Creek history & references 6 2
Did you know about... 14 items + links to 13 more... 20 7
Tragedies from the past 11incidents 11 5
Goldhanger's Red Brick Walls 4 sections 24 7
Village pump & restoration 3 sections 15 3
Eletrophants at Folly Faunts 1 section 6 3
Public Health at Goldhanger 9 sections 10 8
Charities for the sick and poor 16 legacies & 9 trusts 32 14
Plans that never happened 10 plans 10 3
Reformation Effects 1 section 19 4
Village Meeting Places 9 sections 12 2
A History of the Village Hall with old photos,etc. 16 4 #
Church weather vane renovation from Feb 2024 Parish Mag. 2 1
Societies and Clubs from the past 2 sorted lists 0 2
Transport in the past 6 sections 43 4
Local railways in the past a short summary 6 1
The Maldon Branch Lines hi-def.images from this local line 30 30 *
Kelvedon to Tollesbury Railway hi-def.images from this local line 34 34 *
Natural History 12 sections, including.. 19 5
Sequoia trees
Glacial Ponds
Rice grass in the estuary
Climate around the Blackwater 4 1
Ancient Streams in the village interactive map 16 1
Maura Benham Book 90 page pdf file 0 90 *
Time Line - Historical Events 230+ events 15 4
Search this site with Google using Google Custom Search 0 1
Goldhanger related videos 70+ on YouTube & Vimeo 70+ 3 3#
Local and useful external links 37 links 0 1
Web Searching for local history 20+ sites 0 5
Panoramic scenes photos, including. . . 51 5
2012 Jubilee celebrations
Scenes on the web thumbnails & links 29 2
Goldhanger Jubilee & Coronation Celebrations 1977, 2002, 2012, 2022 & 2023 8 1 6#
Goldhanger Jubilee Celebrations in 2022 events,booklets,photos & videos 7 2 2* 2#
Coronation Celebrations in May 2023 events, photos & video 60 1 1* 1#
Recent Memorable Village Scenes full colour photos 55 5 5*
Choir in The Square Audio from The Square in 2021 1 1 1*
Recent churchyard scenes full colour photos 24 2
About these records updates, etc. 0 1
More about this website its history in text & links 0 3
Digital Archive contents list & sizes 0 1
Those magnificent links pros & cons of hyperlinks 0 1
Talks author's list 0 1
DWN a personal pictorial history 22 1
DWN career 40 years, 9 organisations 55 12
DWN art ...on this website 48 3
Site map this page 0 4
Goldhanger Past book full copy of the 2012 book 200 ish 165 *
Goldhanger History on Google sites a pre-view of this site + links 1 1
Webpages missing? recovering if this site disappears 0 1
Google Drive links more recovery if site disappears 0 1
Goldhanger History on another pre-view of the site +links 1 1
Ellacombe Chimes Support pages...
Ellacombe Chimes Support held on the Churchside1 Site 21 60
Hymns.pdf music scores 0 40 *
Carols.pdf music scores 0 28 *
Traditional.pdf music scores 0 23 *
Popular.pdf music scores 0 14 *
Chimes Simulator ring the chimes from here 2 1
Chimes "Method" 2-min Youtube video #
Setting up the chimes 2.5-min Youtube video #
Ellacombe Chimes Support PDF version - held on Google Drive
Ellacombe Chimes audio recordings provided for Bitton History Group 3 1 5*
Ellacombe Chimes Worldwide Videos 200+ video links on Facebook 2 15
Number of webpages: 212 number of images on (incl. text scans): 4155  
approx. No. of A4 pages on if printed: 1840  
      last updated on. . .    23rd Nov 2024 number of audios (in Google cloud space):   37
number of PDF/PPT files (in Google cloud space): 53
number of DWN videos on YouTube: 30
number of Hi-Def JPGs & GIFs in Google cloud space: 142
note: some of these totals may be out of date and on the low side as small items have be added
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